Monday, December 1, 2008


Sunlight through the grass IMG_0780
Sunlight through the grass

Taken a long while ago and has just one comment on it in Flickr, but I came across it while hunting for some other photos and I still think it is beautiful. And I also love that very slight morning moisture in the air, invisible, except that it captures the shafts of sunlight.

Putting up this photo reminded me that I had wanted to go out in the dark to get a photo of the Kigelia, whose buds I had noticed the other day. Such a beautiful flower and only visible by flashlight. It's so elegant, as it hangs, like a living candelabra.

On the way out, I disturbed the nesting lapwing, nesting for the second time this season in the very safe spot of the grassed college roundabout. I very evilly took a flash of it, and it made appropriate menacing cries. She/he (is it the female who keeps the eggs warm?) has been sitting there I think for almost a week already. Seems an awfully long time to go without food, and by sitting there it reminds you of the miserable weather it must endure, which you tend not to think about when birds are on the wing or sitting on a shady branch.

Kigelia pinnata IMG_3481
Kigelia pinnata. African sausage tree. UQ.

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