Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Old Man

The river IMG_0255
Rowers on the Brisbane River, March 2008

Well, it's not me on the river. But this morning was the last day of the level 3 rowing and the morning was as perfect as this, and the traffic (rowers) was at least comparable if not greater.

I am a better rower than I was, but still not fit to be let loose on the river by myself, so I'll do another level 3 (single sculls) course with UQBC.

It was a perfect morning, one of those mornings for which the old man used to say "Haec Dies" (This is the day the Lord has made...). And I missed him, looking down the river at the perfect morning.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Kurilpa Street bridge IMG_5930
Kurilpa Street Bridge.

Spilling spoon sculpture IMG_6017
Spilling spoons sculpture. South Bank.

Early morning on the river IMG_6156
Early morning rowers on the river.

I am trying to document both the Kurilpa Street Bridge and the Hale Street Link. They will only be built once, so each day is a unique snapshot of their progress. Here, the bridge looks to me like a ship.

Sometimes, in the morning, rather than swim at the UQ pool, I swim at Streets Beach and breakfast at South Bank. The morning is a lovely time to be there and the spilling spoons sculpture (who is responsible for this beautiful object?) was spilling water in its lovely random fashion.

And, finally, I am a very lucky person learning to row on the river. Although my last expedition (in a sharpish wind) we cut short because of its hazardous nature.