Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I was motivated to put something up when I received news that this photo was now 'live' on ARKive. Not a very good photo, and they do not link to the original photos, so that one might actually be able to view them better... However, the site had some good links and information. I found exploring the links to the so-called Dinosaur Ant most enjoyable. To go to ARKive click on the ARKive thumbnail. To go to the original photos on Flickr, click on the photos.

I was also curious about all their links and sharing options, so I posted it to Facebook and Twitter. Though for the life of me, I cannot see the pleasure or the point of Twitter.

ARKive species - Grevillea (Grevillea subtiliflora) IMG_9763 Grevillea subtiliflora IMG_9754 (A WA species, photographed at Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens, Brisbane, QLD)

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