Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day, March 8

Voting Day WA cupcakes Voting Day WA - cupcakes (Photograph by Nicole)

Nicole's contribution to International Women's Day, March 8. And note that the women of Australia won the right to vote and to stand for Federal Parliament in 1902.. NZ might have been ahead of us with the vote, but not with the right to stand (which followed on the women of South Australia getting both the vote and the right to stand in 1894 - by virtue of a bloody minded amendment in the upper house by which the proposers hoped to sink both possibilities....)

However, the women of WA and of SA had the right to vote for federal parliaments from day one (January 1, 1901) of the Commonwealth of Australia, since they already had the vote in WA & SA.


Merricks said...

Nicole made the cupcakes for the cake stall at the kids' school (the nearest polling booth. Despite the lack of popularity of the ALP, all the cakes were sold.

HappyHobbit said...

Great cupcakes!! :-)