Sunday, June 17, 2012

Male or Female?

IMG_1168 Gums on Bynya Road, Palm Beach.

"Do you identify as male or female?" ran the text of a survey I was asked to complete recently.

This is political correctness gone mad. I do not understand why it is, that men with artificial vaginas whose femaleness can only be maintained by swallowing handfuls of hormones, have managed to impose on society to the point where such surgically created beings are given the courtesy of being called women. When it is the case that they menstruate for thirty years, and occasionally find themselves unwittingly pregnant, I might begin to believe that being a male or a female is a matter of personal choice.

But like Germaine Greer, I see it as an instance of extraordinary male arrogance to impose the belief that such a change is sufficient to make a person female.

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