Saturday, August 20, 2011


On the Flint and Steel track
Boronia clad slope, Flint and Steel track, photo Ruth P.

I got the email the other day: my thesis has been accepted without emendation. So all I have to do is get it bound and a few other administrative details.

Kerrie has a student working on what it takes to complete a Ph.D. Strange and funny undertaking. But given all the self doubts, I reckon two or three things were critical. I told everyone what I was doing and having made the step, I couldn't withdraw without enormous loss of face. I had been given a scholarship and that was such a statement of faith in me, and also something that I had to honour by completing. And, finally, and perhaps most importantly, the assumption on the part of my supervisor that I could and would.

You go to work each day and work in your little cubicle, reading the "literature" and writing. You feel like a monk, shut away, studying, or like a Chinese, locked in a room doing his imperial examination to become a Mandarin.

And finally you come away knowing some things you didn't know before, (in my case, learning how to use the library...), but probably not the things you thought you might, when you started.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this link Margaret.



HappyHobbit said...

Congratulations!! That is an awesome achievement, it is almost unheard of to have a PhD thesis accepted without any suggested changes from the examiners.
Do you know what you want to do next, now that the PhD is over? :-)

Merricks said...

Thanks, Ruth & Sarah. I didn't open the email when I saw it, I thought I would wait to the morning so that I would have time to accustom myself to the horror of having to make changes. So I was extremely startled to find there was no need...

Badger said...

That is the most astonishing thing I have ever heard. I am overwhelmed with awe. When I submitted my final thesis for my Masters degree it came back with more tiny red words from my supervisor than I had written originally. My heartiest congratulations. I bow before you oh great one!

Merricks said...

Different times. Different places, Different systems. (So many processes for rewriting along the way.)