Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I thought my new self-published book should include these haiku efforts with photos, perhaps, and I thought I might try to write some atheistical arguments in a terse format. Nail my colours to the mast.

I have been thinking of late how altogether risible the (Christian) theist position is. And that it would be worth saying why, given that Australia has retreated from its post war secularism and seems to be wishing to imitate a theistic America ("one nation under god"). The laws which Christians wish to impose upon me so that I cannot exercise my conscience have oppressed me since I was a young woman,...

It bothers me somewhat to "come out" in this manner, because some of the nicest people I know are Christian and their niceness is a function of their belief and their desire to be good and to be good to others. Nonetheless, from a philosophical viewpoint, I do find Christianity ludicrous in the extreme. So I am just going to have to put those arguments.

Casuarina IMG_3064
Walked for almost the first time along Whale Beach Road to get to Palm Beach pool. The beautiful Melaleuca quinquinervias I photographed a few years back have been savagely lopped and look like they will have difficulty surviving. There is a lawn at their base and the person who mows the lawn is ringbarking the trees. I couldn't bear to photograph them..

But this lovely casuarina was flourishing. On the base of the cliff on the eastern side, getting the water soaks from the sandstone. A beautiful tree.

To go with a photo of the swimmers:

We are jellyfish
subject to wind and current
thinking we control our fate.
we think we control our fate.

God loves us
But only those born since the year dot.
Others go to hell.
All others hell bound.

Can't get these right but this is as good a place as any to work on them...

For a state which is both religious and democratic
the logic of genocide is inescapable.

Bliss of no longer becoming anxious
Post menopausal state or brain-cells dying?

View to the central coast IMG_3072
View from the house towards the central coast at dusk.

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