Friday, February 29, 2008

The Brisbane Customs House

The Customs House, Brisbane IMG_0202trimmed
The Customs House, Brisbane.

The Customs House, Brisbane IMG_0193
The Customs House, Brisbane. Eagle Street and Queen Street corner.

The Customs House, Brisbane IMG_0190
From the river.

The Dome is above the left front only, and the curved circular section is also only on the left (looking from Queen Street).

Looking from the river, the wall hides the bottom floor (warehouse), but right at the river level there is a derelict section, with barred and broken windows, which served as the latrines (so said the girl at the desk). (The latrine was not captured in this photo.)

The coats of arms are pre-federation "Australian" coats of arms. They feature the kangaroo and the emu and the words beneath are "Advance Australia" "1899". One of the 5 pre-federation customs houses in Queensland.(Clearly illustrating the importance of trade/free trade/customs: one of the very few issues dealt with explicitly by our wonderful constitution.)

(Currently owned by the University of Queensland, who use it as a function centre and restaurant. And a very FAQ restaurant it is, sadly.)

This link gives some excellent detail about its history.


Anonymous said...

The Brisbane Customs House is a beautiful building.
I like your photos very much.
Thank you.

from Japan.

Merricks said...

Thanks very much for commenting. Hope you continue to like them.