Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Along the river

Mangroves, QUT IMG_2727
Mangroves at the QUT ferry pontoon

SouthBank IMG_2694
Southbank. Bougainvillea, weeping figs & palm trees

State Library IMG_2684
State Library from the river

GoMA IMG_2683
Gallery of Modern Art from the river

Poincianas IMG_2879
Poincianas on the building site. (Gallery of Modern Art behind.)

Cranes IMG_2889

Pile driver IMG_2746
Two days earlier. Same site. Pile-driver (yellow) and two cranes.

They tell me Joh was responsible for the Cultural Centre and Southbank. I must think more kindly of him. It is a beautiful place and all Brisbane seems to flock there to barbecue, to picnic, to eat, to swim, to do cultural things and to just enjoy themselves. The people pour off the ferry at the Southbank stop and on again and it doesn't matter what hour of the day or night it is.

The ferry has to slow to a crawl between Regatta and North Quay so as not to disturb the building works on the river. I heard the yellow pile-driver first and then saw it. Amazing that they have built this way since at least the Bronze Age.

The bridge being built is the Tank Street Bridge
For the design see
Department of Public Works
I hope it doesn't clutter up the river..

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