Thursday, July 7, 2011

Visiting WA

Mobile IMG_0072
Ikea beads fitted one by one on circular and square frames

Bowl of Easter Eggs IMG_0071
Nicole blew these eggs, papier-mached them, and then she and the girls painted them with textas

Kensington bushland

Kensington Bushland

Nicole has enormous patience in creating things and so do the two girls. The beads require tweezers and both Jamie and Elizabeth (4 & 6) are expert in handling them and deciding what they want to do with the colours.

Nicole wants everyone in the family to contribute an egg and has a dozen blanks still to go. I have done one and will do a second, the first is so awful.

The Kensington Bushland is lovely. It's almost just across the road, and is remnant jarrah and banksia forest. The paths through it are fenced to deter animals and people from entering. I used to walk Harley here every day when I visited WA. But now he is dead, I see it less frequently.

1 comment:

HappyHobbit said...

I love the creative easter eggs!! What a cool idea.