Monday, July 25, 2011

Jury duty

Diana IMG_5319
Diana (one of the figures in the Archibald fountain in Hyde Park)

Apollo IMG_5322
Phoebus Apollo

Theseus IMG_5323
Theseus killing the minotaur

The pool IMG_5305
The pool in front of the Shrine of Remembrance

Today, I was called up for jury duty. I went armed with a medical certificate. I find it pretty extraordinary that at the age of 68, I am apparently required to do a nearly 4 hour daily commute and 5 days a week work where I may not move, eat or shit, except at the behest of the court. I argued that it would exacerbate existing health conditions and that I should not be called up again for the remainder of my life.

My doctor thought I was not a very upstanding citizen, but then her commute to town is probably less than an hour, and neither is she currently unemployed... (I would prefer to spend the immediate future in finding a part-time job after completing my Ph.D., rather than ruining my health in the service of the state.)

The photographs are taken on my walk through Hyde Park after my dismissal.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photos from WA

Jarrah floor IMG_4975
Tash's Jarrah floor

Pea? IMG_5008
Unidentified pea in the Kensington Bushland

Crayfish IMG_0252
Painted crayfish at Cicerello's, Freemantle

So many people in Perth have these beautiful jarrah floors. Such a wonderful colour and so long lasting. Even Nicole's 1930's cottage has its original jarrah floors.

The fishtanks at Cicerello's in Freemantle a fish and chip shop dating from the 30's were extraordinary. The fish & chips somewhat less so. A great place nonetheless for plebeian dining. And finally, I still don't have an ID for this very spiny pea.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Visiting WA

Mobile IMG_0072
Ikea beads fitted one by one on circular and square frames

Bowl of Easter Eggs IMG_0071
Nicole blew these eggs, papier-mached them, and then she and the girls painted them with textas

Kensington bushland

Kensington Bushland

Nicole has enormous patience in creating things and so do the two girls. The beads require tweezers and both Jamie and Elizabeth (4 & 6) are expert in handling them and deciding what they want to do with the colours.

Nicole wants everyone in the family to contribute an egg and has a dozen blanks still to go. I have done one and will do a second, the first is so awful.

The Kensington Bushland is lovely. It's almost just across the road, and is remnant jarrah and banksia forest. The paths through it are fenced to deter animals and people from entering. I used to walk Harley here every day when I visited WA. But now he is dead, I see it less frequently.